
Mindaugas Vitkauskas

Artist Mindaugas Vitkauskas. Born in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1970. Studied music and visual arts at M. K. Ciurlionis Scool of Arts in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Graduated from Vilnius Art Academy in 1995.

My first acquaintance with stained glass had happened when I was 5 years old. I broke a stained glass window while throwing a stone into a pigeon. The pigeon wasn’t hurt, but the experience of braking color glass left a significant mark in my artistic development. My first thought was – color glass is so beautiful! Years later I deepened my understanding of glass working with the best masters in this field in Vilnius Stained Glass Guild. Even now glass still is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and the most powerful tool of artistic expression.

Artist started working with stained glass when he was 17 years old. Later, studying at Vilnius Art Academy, he created his first big project- stained glass windows for Lithuania’s President’s summer residence in Nida, Lithuania. He executed quite a few private commissions in Lithuania, Russia, Spain, Denmark, etc.

In 2003 Mindaugas moved to USA. Started his work at a famous Botti Studio of Architectural Arts in Evanston, IL. Among other projects, he had a fortune to restore stained glass windows made by L. C. Tiffany, John LaFarge, L. Sullivan and others. He designed two mosaic panels for St. Bernard Of Clairvaux Catholic church in Scottsdale, AZ and other commissions.

In 2008 artist founded his studio “Glass Labyrinth”. Studio’s spectrum of work varies from large scale religious and residential stained glass and mosaic projects to small painted glass miniatures. All the process-from the artistic idea to the installation is accomplished with great attention to quality. European tradition melted with American experience allows the artist to achieve impressive results. The clients can expect the highest level of artistic creativity and superior craftsmanship.